
Internet Chaos in April 2011

The Internet does really bring us great benefits. We can find almost everything on the Internet: playing games, reading news, making money... Almost everything that you can think. The Internet is really a good place for us to explore. However, this paradise place seems to be not that peaceful but a lit chaos these days. Just looking at the following two Internet events in April 2011. The facts state themselves.

News No.1. South Korea raids Google over illegal mobile data collection
(Source: IT News) Police in South Korea said they had raided Google's Korea head office in Seoul on Tuesday on suspicion that the subsidiary of the search engine company had illegally collected location data from application subscribers.

News No.2. Sony Online Entertainment Hacked, 12,700 Credit Cards Stolen
(IT News) Not quite out of the frying pan, but into the fire anyway: Sony just acknowledged another network breach related to the first one.

These kinds of events are making netizens worry about their information security online. Some of them may be afraid to use Internet as such big damage has happened.

As a netizen, the only thing we may be able to protect ourselves may be to set up different account information for different Internet services. And, if unneccessory, do not by any chance to post your information online.

